T. Y. Lin International Taiwan (as “TYLI Taiwan”) has been established for 50 years and participated a variety of major national projects’/special projects’ planning, design, and supervision works. The Company has been undertaking the technical challenge, continuously developing new construction method and seismic resisting technology, and making efforts to advance and create engineering industry. As TYLI Taiwan’s structural engineers, while we are facing complicated and difficult design challenges, “safety, economy, and aesthetics” are always our standards, and “creation and evolution for the best” are our goal for operation.
Prospecting the future development, TYLI Taiwan is ready to take the heavier responsibilities on consulting profession and continue and insist on the aim of “reaching excellence and persisting for providing best design services, improving the quality of nation’s public works, and reaching for international standards.
Chairman & President
T.Y.Lin International Taiwan
Master of Science in Civil and Construction Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Licensed Structural Engineer, Taiwan
Professional Society:
Executive Director, Chinese Association of Engineering Consultants Director, Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering Director, Chinese Institute of Engineers
1. National Freeway Wugu-Yangmei Section widening Project Approach Strategy for Feasibility study, International Conference on intercity high speed ground transport 2005
2. The 3D Analysis and Design of the Transit Underground Station, Proceedings of 2002 World Metro Symposium