IACS Conference 2015
“Undercurrents: Unearthing Hidden Social and Discursive Practices”
Dates時間: 7-9 August 2015
Venue地點: Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia
Organizers主辦單位: Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Society, University of Indonesia and Airlangga University

The general theme of the 2015 conference is “Undercurrents: Unearthing Hidden Social and Discursive Practices.” Cultural Studies scholarship has contributed to the humanities and social science scholarship by giving voices to the subaltern, everyday life, popular culture and social movements. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies has furthered the areas of inquiries by bringing down the East- West divide and foregrounding the fluid trans-local knowledge production, which gives a dialogic perspective on the region. However, there are still many social and cultural forces as well as praxis, that shaped everyday reality in Asia, which remain under-theorized and unexplored. This conference aims at bringing the undercurrents into the surface, examining how they intersect with, subvert, or mould the formal structures. By engaging with the undercurrents, the conference hopes to open up new frontiers of inquiries in the inter-Asia cultural studies scholarship.
1. Courting ecological disaster: movement, subversion, corruption (生態災難訴訟:運動、覆滅、貪腐)
2. Para-sites: Alternative space and knowledge production (並行場域:另類空間與知識生產)
3. ‘Free man’, mafia and underground economy (「自由人」,幫派和地下經濟)
4. Healing and killing: ‘pharmakon’ and alternative modernity (療癒與殺戮:「pharmakon」與另類現代性)
5. Uncharted border, illegitimate transnationality, diaspora (未經測繪的領域,不合法的跨國性,流亡移居者)
6. Voices of the supernatural: ghosts, cults, spirit mediums(超自然之聲:鬼魂、民間宗教、靈體媒介)
7. Challenging urbanity: rural, underclass, urban guerillas(挑戰都市性:鄉村、低下階層、都市游擊隊)
8. Theorizing emergent movements: arts, youth, social media, politics(新興運動的理論化:藝術、青年、社群網站、政治)
9. Surviving political violence: memory, narratives, performativity (在政治暴力下存活:記憶、敘述、展演性)
10. Secrecy, blasphemy, laughter and promiscuity: grafting unsacred codes(秘密、褻瀆、笑聲與混雜:嫁接不神聖的記號)
11. Performing sexuality: communities and practices(性別展演:社群與實踐)
12. Fetishizing the culinary: ‘foodporn’ and the body(戀食物:「食物情色」與身體)
Plenary speeches (專題演講):
Day 1: 7 August 2015
-The undercurrent and the politics of spontaneity (潛流與自發行動的政治)
Hilmar Farid (Institute of Indonesian Social History, Indonesia)
-Return of/to the popular politics in Asia(亞洲大眾政治的回歸/回到亞洲大眾政治)
Chua Beng Huat (National University of Singapore)
-Prigi Arisandi (Ciputra University, Indonesia)
Moderator: Kuan-Hsing Chen
Day 2: 8 August 2015
-Living in the other world: supernatural belief and mysticism of the contemporary Javanese in Panjebar Semangat Magazine (活在另一個世界:當代爪哇人的超自然信仰與神秘主義——以Panjebar Semangat雜誌為例)
Diah Arian Arimbi (Airlangga University, Indonesia)
-Literary writing and social movements: south Asian writings (文學書寫與社會運動:南亞書寫)
Firdous Azim (BRAC University, Bangladesh)
-Rethinking universality and difference: critical efficacy in a global age(重新思考普遍性與相異性:全球化時代的批判效力)
Goh Beng Lan (SEAS Dept. National University of Singapore)
Moderator: Audrey Yue (The University of Melbourne)
Day 3: 9 August 2015
-Tears behind the global praise for Indonesia (享譽國際的印尼背後的眼淚)
Sri Palupi (ECOSOC, Indonesia)
-“Undercurrents” in Postwar Tokyo: 1945-80s(戰後東京的「潛流」:從1945到1980年代)
Shunya Yoshimi (University of Tokyo, Japan)
-Open cut: mining mythology and inter-Asian methodology(暴露在外的創傷:採礦神話與亞際方法論)
Meaghan Morris (University of Sydney, Australia)
Moderator: Stephen Ching-kiu Chan (Lingnan University, Hong Kong)