

















»  2016  2016-06-01 回顧第三世界當代思想系列演講Ⅱ:Anaheed Al-Hardan




Contemporary Third World Thought Lecture Series: 2-1



The history of British/Zionist colonialism in Palestine, and why Palestine became the “post-colonial colony” in an era of decolonization

Anaheed Al-Hardan (American University of Beirut, Lebanon)

2016412April 12, 2016 14:00-17:00


Room 106A, HA Building II, NCTU, Taiwan



As the first of 4 lectures, Prof. Al-Hardan first clarify the main theme of her talks, that the problem with Palestine is that there are people who call themselves as Palestinians, who claim to come from a place that did exist, and then it ceased to exist, at the time when most formerly colonized people were getting independence. This is one of the ironies of modern Palestinian history, and that's also part of the problem. In this lecture, Prof. Al-Hardan talked about how does this happen by giving us an overview of the history of British and Zionist colonialism in Palestine before 1948, focusing on three main issues: 1) how Zionism came into being in Europe, as a result of European Jewish problem, and it’s features and relation with Europe and North America settler colonialism; 2) what are the geo-political conditions developed in the Arabic area, with relation to the European forces, where Palestine was located that enabled or in complicit with the establishment of the state of Israel on Palestine in 1948, when Palestine ceased to exist as Palestine—an ongoing catastrophe to the latter, and 3) the 1948 catastrophe, with the experience of forced displacement quintessential to it, together with massacres, destructions of homeland and so on, from the Palestinian point of view as counter-narrative to the main stream Western/Israeli ones.




Contemporary Third World Thought Lecture Series 2-2


Palestinians in Syria: Nakba Memories of Shattered Communities


Anaheed Al-Hardan (American University of Beirut, Lebanon)

2016413April 13, 2016 14:00-17:00


Room 106A, HA Building II, NCTU, Taiwan


在前場演講中,Al-Hardan教授提到1948年以色列在巴勒斯坦土地上發動戰爭建國的過程,是在短短六個月之間,令原本一百多萬巴勒斯坦人之中約九十萬人被迫流離失所,超過五百個村莊被摧毀,十多個都會地區的人口被「清空」。透過這樣的暴力過程在巴勒斯坦土地上建立的以色列,不只終結了巴勒斯坦作為一個政治實體存在的可能,還有它作為社會實體存在的可能,因此在阿拉伯文以「Nakba」稱之,意思是「浩劫」(catastrophe)。這個概念如何在巴勒斯坦人的流亡經驗中成為一個主要的基軸,並且在往後的數十年間歷經種種轉變,是本場演講的主軸。Al-Hardan教授首先從知識史的角度說明,Constantine Zurayk首先在他1948年發表的文章中將這場戰爭的後果形容為「Nakba」,因為這是阿拉伯世界國家聯軍敗北的結果。作為回應,他提出應該要有一個泛阿拉伯世界的統合體與解放、去殖民行動,此時巴勒斯坦是作為在阿拉伯世界的一部份而進入此進程。但到了1967年的六月戰爭,阿拉伯聯軍再度被以色列擊敗,甚至還失去部分土地,於是1948年的「Nakba」本身的意義逐漸消失,變成是被1967年的新「Nakba」再現。同時隨著巴勒斯坦解放組織的出現,該組織的首要目的也窄化為要取回在1967年被以色列所佔領的失土。當「Nakba」在1980年「重新出土」時,是做為一個以巴勒斯坦而非阿拉伯世界為語境的概念,回應到的是巴勒斯坦的解放與回歸故土的失敗。這波「出土」的主要推手是一些想要重新復興對於自身家園記憶的巴勒斯坦人,動機是對抗奧斯陸協定(Oslo Accords),該協定設立一個無民意基礎的巴勒斯坦當局(Palestinian Authority),在作有關巴勒斯坦的重大決策時完全排除數量龐大的巴勒斯坦難民的意見,結果做出一個放棄了把巴勒斯坦全土整體解放的決議,實際上只是在掩護以色列在巴勒斯坦土地上的殖民行為。有鑑於此,巴勒斯坦人民之中開始出現將有關1948年「Nakba」的「記憶」與「回歸故土的權利」相結合的行動,也就是透過重現、重述曾經在巴勒斯坦土地上生活的「記憶」,讓巴勒斯坦人回歸故土的權利得到證明,這也成為近年巴勒斯坦人在提出政治與身份認同時的有力動員力量與資源之一。


In the lecture yesterday, the establishment of Israel on Palestine in 1948 is referred to as the catastrophe in Arabic, the Nakba. It not only brought to end Palestine as a political entity, but also brought to end the major part of Palestinian society as a social entity. Out of a million people and territories that were conquered by the Zionist movement in which the state of Israel was established, some 900000 were removed from the territory, they were expelled, uprooted, more than 500 villages were destroyed, eleven urban quarters were depopulated, in the matter of 6 months. This kind of monumental event is crucial in understanding the modern Palestinian experiences, and its meanings have been transformed over the years. In 1948, Constantine Zurayk was the first to describe the outcome of the war as a catastrophe in his article, because of the defeat of the combined might of the Arab armies that had entered Palestine in May 1948. This early conceptualization was made in relation to the catastrophe posed to the project of pan-Arab unity, liberation and decolonization, in which Palestine was part of the envisioned Arab world. The 1967 June War transformed this meaning of the Nakba and made it the representation of the new Nakba. In 1980s, the Nakba “re-emerged” as a Palestinian rather than as Arab catastrophe, as a result of the failure of the Palestinian national movement to deliver on both liberation and return. It’s also a result of Palestinians’ own attempt to revive memories of their villages and ways of life in the Palestine that the Nakba had destroyed. This turn was further accelerated by the Oslo Accords, which set up the Palestinian Authority that is not based in people, and completely excluded the refugees from the decision-making process regarding crucial matters of Palestine. As a result, a decision that abandoned a coherent national liberation project was made, which in fact provided a cover for the Israeli settler colonization of Palestinians. As a response, Palestinian activists began to mobilize memories as a guarantor of a future return to Palestine, which is central to Palestinian political claims and identity.



Contemporary Third World Thought Lecture Series 2-3


The Palestine question and contemporary politics


Anaheed Al-Hardan (American University of Beirut, Lebanon)

2016416April 16, 2016 14:00-17:00




由於這場演講是對公眾開放的獨立演講,因此Al-Hardan將重點放在讓聽眾對於巴勒斯坦如何發展至今日的情況有重點理解。她首先回到歷史,提綱挈領地指出,在19世紀末期在歐洲變得嚴重的「猶太問題」,如何呼應到當時歐洲達到高峰的殖民主義,並承繼了歐洲民族國家的思維,導致「建立一個猶太民族國家」(zionism)這樣論述的提出與成為主流。後來巴勒斯坦如何在諸多地方之中被「選中」成為以色列將要建國的地方,而兩次世界大戰的歐美殖民勢力競逐,又如何進一步使得猶太建國主義者得到所需的人力以及土地,再加上歐洲猶太人在歐洲遭到大規模屠殺與奴役,卻又無法逃往其他歐美國家,導致他們大量逃往巴勒斯坦。以上種種因素使以色列得以在1948年的建國。以色列在六個月之間進行種族清洗,同時取得大量土地,數十萬巴勒斯坦人被強制驅離家園,被迫成為難民。因此1948年對巴勒斯坦人而言是非常關鍵的,不只在他們的記憶中,也是做為巴勒斯坦歷史的決定性時刻。而1948年應被理解為是以色列統治巴勒斯坦的一種「結構」(structure),而不只是一次事件或「例外」狀態。正是由於這樣的結構本身並未被改變,使得1967年以色列在跟阿拉伯國家的戰役中得勝之後,得以在更大的佔領區持續進行同樣的統治,也因此對許多巴勒斯坦人而言,1948年是一個持續的浩劫(ongoing catastrphe)。在巴勒斯坦人方面,以難民為中心,在1948之後逐漸開始進行組織活動從事反抗,在1970年代前半達到高峰,之後就因為地緣政治的改變而逐漸走下坡。其中心主張從1950年代末期泛阿拉伯世界的解放,到巴勒斯坦的解放,到1967年被以色列佔領區的解放,可說是在艱困的政治環境下逐步後退。如今又因為敘利亞的戰爭使得原來居住在敘利亞的難民也失去容身之處,處境非常艱困。


Since this is the lecture open to the public, Professor Al-Hardan focuses on providing an overview about how Palestine becomes what it is today. She first provided an historical overview about how Zionism came into being in Europe, as a result of European Jewish problem, and it’s features and relation with Europe and North America settler colonialism; how Palestine was “chosen” as the land to establish the state of Israel, and how the European Jewish problem deteriorated in WWII, which drove large amount of European Jews to Palestine, which gave Israel the man power it needed to establish a nation state. All the factors above facilitated the establishment of the state of Israel on the land of Palestine in 1948, launched the ethnic cleansing that dispossessed hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in 6 months. In recent years, 1948 catastrophe is viewed as a structure of Israeli ruling of Palestine, rather than a kind of event or exception. Therefore the 1948 is referred to by Palestinians as an ongoing catastrophe, because the 1948 one, as a structure, actually allowed Israel to rule over all of the historical Palestine today. About Palestinians who were expelled in 1948, they began the Palestinian political organizing, as the aftermath of 1948 and reached the peak in 1970s, but with the chang of geographical politics and the wars, the become less effective. Their main concerns changed from the one of pan-Arab nationalist in the 1950s, to the liberation of Palestine, and then in 1970s to liberate Palestine in stages, focusing on the area occupied in 1967. Till now, due to the war in Syria, Palestine refugees are facing a even more tough situation than before.


Contemporary Third World Thought Lecture Series 2-4


Experiences of the Palestinians in the postcolonial era


Anaheed Al-Hardan (American University of Beirut, Lebanon)


2016419April 19, 2016 14:00-17:00


Room 106A, HA Building II, NCTU, Taiwan



這是在課堂進行的第二場演講,主要描繪從1948年至今的巴勒斯坦人民經驗。1948年後,巴勒斯坦人民的絕大多數成為難民,包括在以色列國內的「內部難民」,在西岸和加薩走廊地區的難民,以及流亡到鄰近阿拉伯國家的難民。在不同的地區,難民經驗也往往不同。在以色列國內的內部難民遭到種種歧視與權利的不平等,而在西岸和加薩走廊的難民則分別在約旦及埃及的統治下,過著不自由的生活。逃到鄰近阿拉伯國家的難民們則依國家不同享有不同權利,但仍做為暫時的棲身之處過了數十年的生活。在政治與反抗活動的部分,巴勒斯坦難民發展出數波民族運動。起初是在泛阿拉伯民族主義框架下組織的運動,因為以色列被周邊國家視為是位於阿拉伯世界中心的殖民勢力,需要被去除,然而在1967年阿拉伯聯軍被以色列打敗之後,泛阿拉伯的框架垮台,以巴勒斯坦民族主義為主的巴勒斯坦反抗運動主要政治組織PLOPalestinian Liberation Organization)抬頭。PLO藉由在阿拉伯國家之間的角力,對以色列取得相對權力,但當阿拉伯國家之間出現問題,相對以色列的談判籌碼也變少。1974PLO調整解放的範圍,從巴勒斯坦全境的解放,到部分解放,只解放在1967年被以色列佔領的地區。1982年以色列入侵黎巴嫩,使PLO轉進到離難民社群相對遙遠的突尼斯,影響力也逐漸減弱,巴勒斯坦解放組織的武裝反抗運動抬頭。1987年發生第一次巴勒斯坦人民起義(intifada),PLO回來宣布巴勒斯坦獨立,國土是在1967年被佔領的地區,但結果是成為以色列在暗中掌控的「自治」區。1993PLO「代表」巴勒斯坦人民簽訂奧斯陸協定(Oslo Accord),結果難民的聲音反而被忽視。PLO失去在巴勒斯坦人民心中的代表性。2000年發生第二次人民起義,結果以穆斯林為主體的反抗組織Hamas得到人民支持,並贏得選舉。2005年出現以難民區的運動份子為主體的BDS運動(Boycott拒買,Divestment減投資,Sanctions制裁),希望透過經濟制裁的方式向以色列施壓,以期達到結束以色列對巴勒斯坦的佔領與殖民,以色列國內巴勒斯坦籍人民的平等公民權,以及尊重巴勒斯坦難民回歸故土的權利。這項運動仍持續至今。


This is the second seminar in class, focusing on experiences of Palestinians since 1948. After 1948, most of Palestinians become refugees, including “internal refugees” within the State of Israel who keep living under discrimination, inequality of rights; refugees living in West Bank and Gaza Strip under the rule of Jordan and Egypt; refugees exiled to neighboring Arab countries who have different rights but still in a temporary status for the past 60 years. In terms of political movements, in the early 1950s, Palestinians were organizing under pan Arab nationalist framework, since Israel was viewed as a colonial force in the center of the Arab world, and to liberate Palestine is the liberation of the Arab world. But in 1967, the Arab armies was defeated by Israel, PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) began to rise. In 1974, PLO changed its strategy from liberating the entire Palestine to only liberate the areas that were occupied in 1967. In 1982, Israel invaded Lebanon, PLO evacuated to Tunis and was peripheralized from refugee camps. In 1987, First intifada took place, and PLO came back to declare independence of the 1967 occupied areas, which became nothing but the “autonomous areas” that in face under Israel’s control. In 1993, PLO “represented” Palestinian people to sign the Oslo Accord that in fact ignored the voices of the refugees. PLO lost its credit among Palestinians. In 2000, the second intifada took place, Hamas became popular and won the election. In 2005, activists from the refugee camps initiated the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) movement, in the hope to, through inflicting economic and political pressure on Israel, to end Israel's occupation and colonization of Palestinian land, to provide full equality for Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel, and respect for the right of return of Palestinian refugees. The movement still continues.
















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