
〈第一件差事〉(My first case

Translated by Cheung Chi-Yiu & Dennis T. Hu, (1976). My first case. In Joseph S. M. Lau & Timothy A. Ross (Ed.), Chinese Stories From Taiwan 1960-1970, (p. 29-61). ColumbiaUniversity Press.


〈六月裡的玫瑰花〉(A rose in June

Ch’en Yinf-chen. Translated by Shu-Hua Chiu & Uivian Hsu, (1980). A rose in June. In Vivian Ling Hsu (Ed.), Born of the Same Roots: Stories of Modern Chinese Women, (p. 210-226). IndianaUniversity Press.


〈夜行貨車〉(Night freight

Translated by James C. T. Shu, (1982). Night freight. In Joseph S. M. Lau (Ed.), The Unbroken Chain: An Anthology of Taiwan Fiction Since 1926, (p. 102-132). IndianaUniversity Press.


〈檳榔城〉(Betel nut town

Translated by James R. Landers (藍瞻梅譯), (1983, Winter). Betel nut town. The Chinese pen, 46, p.26-44.


〈漁家〉(A fisherman’s family

Translated by Jane Parish Yang (白珍譯), (1984, Autumn). A fisherman’s family. The Chinese pen, 49, p. 72-79.


〈將軍族〉(A race of generals

Translated by Lucien Miller, (1984). A race of generals. In Stephen C. Soong & John Minford (Ed.), Trees on the mountain: An Anthology of New Chinese Writing, (p. 90-97). Hong Kong: ChineseUniversity Press.


〈淒慘的無言的嘴〉(Poor poor dumb mouths

Translated by Lucien Miller, (1984). Poor poor dumb mouths. In Stephen C. Soong & John Minford (Ed.), Trees on the mountain: An Anthology of New Chinese Writing, (p. 98-104). ChineseUniversity Press.


Exiles at Home: Stories by Ch’en Ying-chen

Translated by Lucien Miller, (1986). Exiles at Home: Stories by Ch’en Ying-chen (Michigan Classics in Chinese Studies, no 7). Center For Chinese Studies, University of Michigan Press.


‧〈我的弟弟康雄〉(My kid brother’ Kang-Hiung

Translated by Lucien Miller, (1986). My kid brother’ Kang-Hiung. Exiles at home, (p. 27-36). University of Michigon.


‧〈鄉村的教師〉(The Country village teacher

Translated by Lucien Miller, (1986). The Country village teacher. Exiles at home, (p. 37-50). University of Michigon.


‧〈死者〉(The dying

Translated by Lucien Miller, (1986). The dying. Exiles at home, (p. 51-67). University of Michigon.


‧〈最後的夏日〉(Tha last day to summer

Translated by Lucien Miller, (1986). Tha last day to summer. Exiles at home, (p. 99-122). University of Michigon.


‧〈唐倩的喜劇〉(he comedy of Narcissa Tang

Translated by Lucien Miller, (1986). he comedy of Narcissa Tang. Exiles at home, (p. 123-148). University of Michigon.


‧〈六月裡的玫瑰花〉(Rose in June

Translated by Lucien Miller, (1986). Rose in June. Exiles at home, (p. 149-169). University of Michigon.


‧〈上班族的一日〉(One day in the lite of a white-collar worker

Translated by Lucien Miller, (1986). One day in the lite of a white-collar worker. Exiles at home, (p. 169-195). University of Michigon.


〈最後的紳士〉(The last of the gentlemen

Translated by Chen I-Djen (陳懿貞譯), (1986, Summer). The last of the gentlemen. The Chinese pen, 56, p. 1-30.



Translated by Jeffrey Toy Eng (蔡偉民譯), (1990, Spring). Secrets. The Chinese pen, 71, p. 13-39.



Translated by Joseph R. Allen, (1991). Braids. Renditions,35(36), p. 53-64.


〈趙南棟〉第一章-葉春美(Zhao NandongPart one ..Ye Chunmei

Translated by Duncan Hewitt, (1991). Zhao Nandong: Part one ..Ye Chunmei. Renditions, 35(36), p. 65-86.


〈山路〉(Mountain road

(1991). Mountain road. In Michael S. Duke (Ed.), World of Modern Chinese Fiction: Short Stories and Novellas from the People’s Republic, Taiwan and Hong Kong. M. E. Sharpe Press.


〈山路〉(The mountain road

Translated by Anne White & Chu Chiyu & Huang Liangbi, (1993). The mountain road. Renditions, 39, p. 3-25.


〈試論陳映真〉Preliminary critique of Chen Yingzhen

Translated by Beata Grant, (1997). Against Taiwan’s “Orphan Mentality”: The Author as His Own Critic. In Helmut Martin, Jeffrey C. Kinkley, Jin Ba (Ed.), Modern Chinese Writers: Self-PortrayalsStudies on Modern China, (p. 214-222). M. E. Sharpe Press.Chen Yingzhen. (1975, September). Preliminary critique of Chen Yingzhen (Shilun Chen Yingzhen). In Works of Chen Yingzhen (Chen Yingzhen zuopin ji), 9, p. 3-15. (Tabei, 1988).


〈對我而言的「第三世界」〉(What the “Third World” means to me

Translated by Petrus LIU, (2005). What the “Third World” means to me. INTER-ASIA, 4(6)Bandung/Third Worldism, p. 53-64.




Ch’en Ying-Chen. Translated by Anne Breuval, (2000). L'Île vert. Bleu de Chine Press.






《現實の台湾文学 : 陳映眞1985年,岡崎郁子著。





    以下韓國對陳映真的相關研究資料摘於:金河林(2009)〈陳映真的文學世界與韓國〉(200992627日在台灣國家圖書館舉辦的「陳映真創作五十周年國際學術研討會」發表文) 。





























